Healthy and low fat, the jumbo buffalo ear offers a meaty long lasting and chew friendly dog treat. Hypoallergenic an...
Healthy and low fat, the jumbo buffalo ear offers a meaty long lasting and chew friendly dog treat. Hypoallergenic and great for building jaw muscles and supporting teeth and gum health. The Digby & Fox natural raw hide range provides your dog with mental stimulation and supports dental health. They offer a high protein, low fat, nutritionally rich supplement to your dog’s diet. Gentle on the stomach, gluten free and 100% digestible. A wide range of choice is available to suit all breeds. Air dried from raw to retain vital nutrients, delicious smell and flavour your dog will love. Free from artificial flavouring and food dyes. Suitable for puppies from 12 weeks. Due to the natural nature of the product, piece sizes may vary. 5 piece pack. Composition: 100% buffalo ear with meat.
100% buffalo ear with meat
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